Master Plumber
Specializing in House Re-Piping and Grinder Pumps


Residential & Commercial Plumbing Repair

Want to be sure that pesky leak you discovered isn’t a symptom of a problem that requires a more extensive plumbing repair? Turn to the licensed professionals at Daniel Fields Plumbing.

We understand the complex network of interconnected parts that is your residential or commercial plumbing system. From simple fixes, like minor leaks, to more elaborate ones, such as sewer repair and rerouting drain lines, our team is well trained to accurately identify and quickly correct any problems with your plumbing system.

Count on Daniel Fields Plumbing to provide top-quality repairs like these in residential, condominium or commercial settings.


  • Grinder pumps
  • Water heaters
  • Pipes
  • Food disposals
  • Sewers
  • Septic tank
  • Leaky faucet
  • Replace faucet
  • Replace toilets
  • Ice maker lines
  • Washing machine hoses
  • Tankless water heaters
  • Outside water faucet
  • Old cast iron pipes
  • Terracotta sewers



  • Dish sinks
  • Gang sink
  • T & S faucets